We’ll Shop

Nowadays, online grocery shopping has become a popular trend. People's grocery shopping experience has not been improved by only providing a few images and descriptions of items. We are hoping to establish a better connection between store and customer. We aim to offer a new shopping experience to achieve customer satisfaction using our latest technologies. By naming We’ll shop, we are helping users to improve their shopping experience by using our product. We hope to bring a positive relationship between the grocery store and customers.

  • 10 Weeks

  • Vicky Song, Kunlin Zhao

  • UI/UX Designer & Product Designer

    UX Research, Web Design, Design System, Visual Design

  • Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Miro, Canva, Keyshot, Rhino

Problem Statement

Covid-19 has dramatically changed people's habits and spending habits, with many consumers preferring to buy from online platforms rather than going to local stores, Not only clothing, online grocery shopping has also turned into a new fad. However, the current online grocery shopping experience does not meet buyers' requirements. As a result, the desires of online buyers are not being met due to the gap between the physical and digital experience.

Opportunity Statement

To create a better solution that will allow greater shopping experience, accessibility, and efficiency for online shopping customers when purchasing grocery items online.

Design Process

Secondary Research

Research Matrix: Establishing a better vision to guide the beginning of the researching stage

  • The truth is online grocery shopping is growing rapidly

  • The shift is real: Online Retail is growing, offline retail is contracting

  • Grocery delivery app download growth due to pandemic in the United States as of March 2020

Key Insight

Primary Research

Quantity Research - Survey / Quality Research - In-Depth Interviews / Affinitization Process

  • The quality and the freshness are the key issues when the shop

  • People she online grocery shopping to save time

  • Everyone has their own personal preference

  • Discounts are great

  • IN-person grocery store is lovely

Key Insight

User Personas

Based on the market research and survey results, we targeted the 18-40 year olds who are newly independent college students, busy office workers, mothers, etc. who don't have a lot of free time but have a need for grocery shopping.

User Journey Map

Design System

We made every component of the system to make a full-featured design system to ensure scalability, flexibility, and consistency of the platform

User Flow



