Google Pay

Worked closely with the google pay team. Understand how underrepresented groups use apps to pay & save and explore product ideas to build inclusive financial experiences for 
18-24 years old in these communities.

  • 09/2021 ~ Now

  • Product (UX/UI) Designer

    UX Research/ Concept Ideation/ Information architecture/ User flows/ Low-Fidelity Wireframing/ Mid-Fidelity Wireframing/ Visual Desinger

  • Figma, Adobe Suit, Miro, Slack


Our mission

To uplift the financially coping segment of Gen-Z through implementing features designed to empower and educate the user, improving their overall confidence and health.

Key Elements

  • Each concept leaned into automation based on the user’s Google Footprint

  • Each concept knowingly and purposefully encouraged financial growth

  • Each concept acknowledged the fact that everyone is human, it’s okay to trip as long as you pull yourself back up.

Since the details of the work I worked on are still under NDA, feel free to reach out if you have any questions. :)



