The smell of soy milk from the shops downstairs.

The scent of firewood, rice, oil, and salt.

The laughter between cups of wine.

And the hustle and bustle of the streets.

In the eyes of Chinese people, this is life.

Exhibition Concept

This exhibition has collected Chinese objects that are common and yet new to most Westerners' eyes. These daily objects show the world the most intriguing aspects of modern China's way of life. We hope to act as a bridge to break the stereotype of the mysterious East and promote cultural integration.

「賞人間煙火,品盛世繁華。 」

煙火氣,是樓下店鋪的豆漿油條,是平凡生活的柴米油鹽,是紅泥火爐的把酒言歡,是街巷市井的嘈雜喧鬧⋯⋯中國人將這些人間煙火氣稱之為「日子」。 它們看似繁瑣,無聊,但是正如林語堂所說的:「構成人生的,更多是且將新火試新茶的尋常煙火,平常小事。 」過日子離不開三餐一宿、瑣細繁亂、煙熏火燎,更離不開安安分分、知足常樂、寒來暑往。 在這次展覽中,我們收集了中國人民日常生活中最為常見,卻有充滿趣味性的物件。 通過這些有趣的物件向世界展示現代中國最為普遍的人民生活,以此作為橋樑,打破西方國家對於神秘的東方國家的刻板印象,促進文化交融。


The Great Cultural Revolution